The Texas Back Porch is that special place where you go to relax in a rocking chair and let your mind wander...from the Guadalupe Mountains to the East Texas pines, from the South Texas prairies to the Gulf of Mexico, experiencing hill country breezes, longhorns, horses, armadillos, country music, and Tex-Mex foods, yet not forgetting the dreadful Texas heat, rattlesnakes, and everybody's awful Texas drawl. Yes, Texas is a vast state, from out of the rugged and romantic West, where the beautiful and the brutal strangely blend and they're all topics to talk about on the Texas Back Porch.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tornado Weather in Texas

Texas holds two places on the list of the twenty-five deadliest tornadoes in the United States.  Waco and Goliad both tie for tenth place with each town seeing 114 people killed by twisters, Goliad in May of 1902 and Waco in May of 1953.  Texas also ranks number 17 on the Disaster Center Ranking of Tornado Risk by State.
  Rankings were based on data from 1950 to 1995.

According to the infamous Tornado Alley covers much of the central United States and includes most of Texas.  So, yeah, we have our share of storms, without even counting hurricanes.  Last night, northeast Texas had severe thunderstorms and tornadoes were spotted.  Tonight severe thunderstorms are predicted for southern areas closer to the Gulf Coast.  Texans don't know whether to be hopeful or apprehensive.  Destructive winds are not welcome but with drought conditions being what they are, rain offers much-needed relief.

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